Terms & Conditions

Thank you for exploring our Website. If you continue to browse “www.wanderers.in“, you are accepting to comply with the terms and conditions as mentioned below. The term ‘Wanderers’,’we’ or ‘us’ refers to the owners of ‘Wanderers’ whose registered office address is: 3rd Floor, Baba House, 149/A, Kilokri, Maharani Bagh, New Delhi-110014. The term ‘you’ or ‘user/s’ refers to the information seeker.

1) The content or information on the website is meant to provide information in general and can change at any point in time without prior information.

2) We do not provide any guarantee as to the accuracy, performance, suitability of the information as provided on the website for any purpose. The information or material provided on the website can be incorrect or have errors and the user agrees and understands that. Wanderers will not be liable for any errors or incorrect information on the website to the extent permissible by the law.

3) Any use of information by the user of the website will be at user’s risk. Wanderers will not be liable for the information provided through this website. User is responsible to make sure the information (of any sorts) meets the user requirements.

4) The content on the website ‘www.wanderers.in’ is owned and/or licensed to us which includes, but is not limited to, design, content, graphics and the layout. Reuse of the content in any form is prohibited.

5) In case of material on the website which is not copyright or licensed to Wanderers, the operator or owner of any such information/graphics/layouts are acknowledged.

6) Wanderers neither owns nor endorses any other or external links as mentioned on the website. They are mentioned (If) for user’s convenience and use. Wanderers does not take ownership of other related or not related links.

7) In case of any dispute arising out of the usage of the website, it is subject to the laws of India.

Wanderers ensure that the itineraries are detailed and provide accurate information to the client or the user. Booking is completely at users discretion wherein; the client or user agrees to the itinerary and also agrees to the changes that may occur in unforeseen circumstances.

Mountaineering, trekking, road trips and other adventure activities offered by Wanderers also carry a risk of injury and / or death. Wanderers team ensures the best of control and pro activeness in avoiding it. However, in certain weather/climate related situations it might lead to an injury and/or death. The client, customer or user is expected to read, understand and discuss all these threats from Wanderers before booking or signing up for the trek/trip. Wanderers will not be liable for any injury and / or death caused due to any weather / climate related situation.

Wanderers team offers complete support to the client in any unforeseen circumstances. However, the client, customer or user is made aware hereby that it will not be Wanderers ownership in terms of any injury, medical condition or death caused while on the trek or a trip with Wanderers.

Wanderers reserves the rights of using photographs of the client, customer or user clicked while on the trek. Wanderers can use them for promotional purposes. By signing up or booking for any trip or trek, the client, customer or user agrees to Wanderers access to use the photographs.

Wanderers uses third party vendors for smooth operations across the globe. While signing up for the trek or the trip, user agrees to absolve Wanderers from any liabilities arising from deficiency of services offered by these vendors. Wanderers will not be held responsible for any loss of luggage or belongings or that of any services offered by these support staff during the trip.

In case of any medical urgency, illness or accident, all the related expenses like medical expenses, doctor fees, evacuation expenses or any other expenses directly or indirectly will be customer, client or user’s responsibility. Wanderers will not be liable for any kind of expenses incurred because of the above-mentioned circumstances.

All communications related to the trek, road trip or any other trip as well as the promotions would happen through Email. Customers, Clients or Users are encouraged to ask for written communication from Wanderers. No communication done verbally or over the phone will be considered for any dispute related to the trek, trip or otherwise. Any loss or delay of information due to incorrect email address or mailbox related issues of the customer, client or user, Wanderers will not be liable.

1. No refund whether in full or Partial will be made once the trip has begun and the user drops out Voluntarily.

2. Wanderers will not be liable to refund any money for any unused services be it accommodation, transportation, sightseeing, meals etc.

3. Refunds are not possible due to missing of the scheduled departure, late arrival on tour, any unforeseen family circumstances, on account of sickness etc.

4. In case of cancellation of trip by wanderers due to any unforeseen circumstances Wanderers would be providing an alternative trip/dates which will be pro actively notified and the user may accept the suggestion or ask for other trip of his/her choice and will have to bear the difference amount. In case for refunds it will be done as per the cancellation policy of Wanderers.

5. Wanderers shall not be liable and refunds (if) will be made as per Wanderers cancellation policy for any additional cost incurred, Credit card charges, onward travel arrangements including but not limited to flight cancellation, railway, hotel booking cancellation, with this

6. For any loss arising due to alteration, extension, cancellation or trip retrenchment, Wanderers would not be liable to pay any compensation and the maximum liability will be limited only to the cost of trip paid to Wanderers.

Treks and trips vary in climate conditions, terrain and physical stress upon which the difficulty level is measured for a particular Trek. Wanderers strictly advise any individual to read and review the details for the Treks carefully before booking as Wanderers or any third party Vendor associated with Wanderes will not be liable in anyway for any failure of the individual to cope with the difficulty of the trip/ Trek. Wanderers will need a Latest medical certificate obtained from a registered medicine practitioner (MBBS/MD) confirming that the individual is fit for the trek that he/she has booked and that they do not suffer from any condition or disability, which could be hazardous for them or others on a trip/ Trek. The latest medical certificate needs to be carried throughout the trek/trip. Individuals are expected to carry the right clothing and the equipment. Wanderers reserve the right of terminating the Trip at any stage or accept, decline and or remove an individual at his/ her sole expense, whose condition can be hazardous to any member on the trip on in case of any information or details as mentioned above shared with Wanderers are found to be incorrect or misleading.